Resources for Schools
Fact sheets, lesson plans, worksheets, and more...
Castle Fact Sheet
History fact sheet for schools, showing the timeline of Watermouth Castle
KS1 & KS2 Victorian Life Lesson Plan
Lesson plan for a history lesson exploring Victorian Life at Watermouth Castle
KS1 Victorian Life Worksheet
Victorian Life worksheet aimed at KS1, with 5 history activities on centred on life in Victorian Britain
KS2 Victorian Life Worksheet
Victorian Life worksheet aimed at KS2, with 5 history activities on centred on life in Victorian Britain
Worksheet Answer Guide & Thought Starters
Answer guide and thought starters for the KS1 & KS2 worksheets
Risk Assessment
The information provided aims to assist you in creating your own Risk Assessment for your upcoming trip. While this assessment covers site-specific risks, it does not evaluate the individual requirements, abilities, or medical conditions of your group members.

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